


Final Agreement at COP21 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi/COP21)
Ban Ki Moon Laurent Fabius Cop21
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Saturday, December 12, the most historic agreement on climate change was signed at the closing of COP21. President Hollande joined to encourage the team leaders, and persuade parties of UN, to reaching an agreement whose depends upon the planet's survival. Here is the integral text of Ban Kin Moon.
B Ki Moon Hollande Royal Figures
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
REMARKS OF UN GENERAL SECRETARY BAN KI MOON----------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Excellency, Laurent Fabius, President of the Cop21, Ms. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Excellencies, Distinguished representatives, I thank His Excellency Mr. Laurent Fabius and also the President of the French Republic, Francois Hollande, to have been able to control the climate negotiations so skillfully throughout the past year. Here we are at a turning point after a long quest begun the decade here. You are now in front of a historical text. It aims to chart a new course to the planet to a future free of emissions and climate hazards.
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING BILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE RELYING ON YOUR WISDOM “I would like to take this opportunity to commend the commitment, engagement and leadership of all the Heads of State, Government ministers and negotiators who have brought us so far in this very difficult negotiation. The end is in sight. Let us now finish the job. The whole world is watching. Billions of people are relying on your wisdom.   The time has come to acknowledge that national interests are best served by acting in the global interest. Nature is sending urgent signals. People and countries are threatened as never before. We have to do as science dictates. We must protect the planet that sustains us. For that, we need all hands on deck. Over the past nine years, I have travelled to the climate front-lines, I have talked to world leaders, and I have engaged the private sector, civil society and vulnerable groups.  I have worked to raise awareness of the dangers of a warming world and the immense opportunities of a clean-energy, climate resilient future. Your leaders have listened. They came in unprecedented numbers to the beginning of this conference and gave clear instructions.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They want a flexible, robust, meaningful, universal agreement that will help us rise as one to the climate challenge. The issues are many and complex. But we must not let the quest for perfection become the enemy of the public good. Today, I ask you to continue in the same good spirit of compromise that has characterised the discussions over the past two weeks. I count on developed countries to provide financial resources for mitigation and adaptation, and to embark decisively on a low-emissions pathway. And I ask all developing nations to play an increasingly active role, according to their capacities. I commend you all for submitting your national climate plans. The solutions to climate change are on the table.  They are ours for the taking.Let us have the courage to grasp them. I look forward to joining you later today to celebrate an agreement that will offer new hope for safety and prosperity for all on a healthy planet. Thank you.“ Stated Un General Secretary Ban Ki Moon,

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