


Moroccan Pavilion COP21 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
HH King Mohammed VI President Hollande HH Rachid
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Morocco is ready to host the COP 22 to be held in Marrakech from 7 to 17 November 2016. His Majesty the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, has attended the opening of the COP21, which was held in Paris from November 30 to December 12, alongside 149 other heads of state from around the world.
Moroccan Pavillion
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
His Majesty delivered a major speech on this occasion, both strong and committed his message to the international community as to empowering the survival of the planet for future generations.--------------------------------------------------------- Here is the Part I of speech of HM King of Morocco, Mohammed VI on November 30th, opening session of COP21 in Paris, Le Bourget.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mr President, Distinguished Heads of States and Government, Mr Secretary General of the United Nations Organisation, Your excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our meeting today in Paris is not and can no longer be one of those Summits and Conferences the community of nations regularly puts on the agenda of international relations. Allow me to say frankly that it will no longer be the case because the Paris Conference, and the one my country has offered to host in a year´s time in Marrakech, will be instrumental in shaping the future which we are duty-bound to bequeath tour children. Our children whom we do not want to see deprived of forests, oceans, coastlines and all these natural resources which are the hallmarks of mankind´s most valuable heritage. A heritage which is threatened today because the international community has been unable- or unwilling- to come together in time and muster the means needed to have better control over its own destiny. Today we are aware of the devastating effects of global warming on the planet and of the urgent to match words with deeds.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, What is at stake in our discussions is neither ideological nor diplomatic; it is not even economic in the traditional sense of our previous discussions and meetings. We all really now that the threat is global. Indeed, there is not a single country, region to continent that will be spared the consequences of climate change. Doubt and skepticism are no longer acceptable.Nor will it be possible to continue using the alibi of wrong priorities. The community of nations has turned its back on our children´s destiny and future for far too long. For a long time we have chosen to turn a blind eye. For far too long, we have delayed the moment of awareness. We have been playing around the hypotheses that have proved to be ways of evading the issue. But facts are stubborn things. Ice sheets are melting. Sea and ocean levels are rising. Shores are gradually being eroded. Water resources are becoming scarce, agricultural output is threatened. Increasingly deadly floods come on the heels of droughts that are just as distressing. That is why I have deliberately chosen to avoid technical analysis or academic discourse. Instead I want to pay tribute to the scientists and specialists who are experts in the field. We have to make sure that unanimity - which is not easily and instantaneously attainable in this area - does not become a deal breaker that would justify foot-dragging by some and the illusions arising from the inaction of others. In this respects, we must build patiently and resolutely ion what is possible and attainable. It is only through effective action and tangible results that we can overcome reluctance and resistance." Excerpt of HM Mohammed VI, King of Morocco. To be continued in the next article Part II, III, IV, V.
COP21 Banner Bourget
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
A Amara Minister Environment & Energy
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Salaheddine Mezouar Foreign Affairs Minister
Source: Courtesy of Moroccan Embassy

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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