
Philip VI appeals to the responsibility of politicians in this historic moment

Christmas message from the King of Spain

Philip VI during his speech (Source: Royal House)
(Source: Royal House)
USPA NEWS - The King of Spain, Philip VI appealed to the responsibility of politicians, dialogue and unity during his Christmas message to the Spaniards. The monarch appealed to not repeat past mistakes that impoverished and isolated Spain.
There was anticipation to hear the second Christmas message of Philip VI and the first with a caretaker Government, four days after the legislative elections that have entangled the Spanish political landscape. The monarch made changes to the staging and, in order to give greater solemnity to his message, delivered from the Throne Room of the Royal Palace of Madrid and not from his official residence in the Zarzuela Palace, as usual.
Philip VI did not avoid any of the issues of concern to the Spanish and against the Catalan independence challenge, he defended the unity of Spain and respect for the constitutional order. In the Constitutional Spain, the monarch said, fit all the feelings and sensitivities. And against those who call to disobey laws for the independence of Catalonia, King recalled that "the breaking of the law, the imposition of an idea or a project of some over the will of all the other Spanish only has us led to the decline, impoverishment and isolation. It is a mistake of our past that we must not to make," said Philip VI.
However, the King sends a message of serenity, tranquility and confidence in the unity and continuity of Spain through the defense of the Constitution. With memories of the recent legislative elections, which have not given any political party a sufficient majority to govern, the king asked "to exercise policy based on dialogue and compromise, in order to take decisions to resolve problems of citizens."
In this regard, he recalled that institutions must walk in step with the Spanish people they serve and must be sensitive to the demands of "rigor, fairness and integrity." Philip VI recalled that improving the economy is a priority and wished that growth is sustained and allowed to continue to create jobs and decent jobs, and strengthen public services such as health and education.
Remembering France
The King did not forget France and terrorism. He had words of support for the crimes in Paris and declared himself "shocked" by the plight of refugees in Europe. Regarding this issue, called for Spain is heard in the European Union and other international institutions. Philip VI finished his Christmas message congratulating the Spanish in Castilian, Basque, Catalan and Galician, the four official languages in Spain.
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