
The political center does not support the continuity of Rajoy as Prime Minister

But if that is helpful refrain

Rajoy and Albert Rivera
(Source: Pool)
USPA NEWS - The Spanish political center represented in the Citizens Party, will vote against the investiture of Mariano Rajoy for another term as president of the Spanish Government, but will abstain in the second round if this facilitates the formation of a Government.
So let him know on Monday the acting Prime Minister and Conservative candidate for reelection, Mariano Rajoy, the president of the centrist party Citizens, Albert Rivera. The emerging political Rajoy met at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, in the round of contacts that the Conservative candidate being held with representatives of other political parties. Rivera raised the need for structural, economic and social reforms, but he said he intends to push them from the opposition because they think part of any Government that does not spearhead Citizens.
The opposition will exercise Citizens will be "responsible and useful" for citizenship, which means that while they will vote "no" to the investiture of Rajoy, if it were possible to form a Government to launch the legislature, would abstain in the second vote for the investiture of Rajoy. Rivera stressed to the Prime Minister acting on the proposal of a dialogue between the conservative Popular Party, the Socialist Party (PSOE) and Citizens to design a program of reforms, but warned that it depends on the Socialist Party, which until now it has refused to accept it.
The president of Citizens, would be good for Spain that the Socialists try to reach agreements with parties who share their vision of strong and united Spain. "The union of all Spaniards is not negotiable," said Albert Rivera, while criticizing the Socialists intend to negotiate with the extreme-left party Podemos. The president of Citizens said the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, "would do well to listen to the barons of his party", the socialist regional leaders, who for days warn the leadership of his party the danger of agreeing with Podemos.
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