
The Socialist Party feels entitled to try to form Government

Admitting that Rajoy should first try

USPA NEWS - The secretary general of the Socialist Party (PSOE), Pedro Sanchez, said Monday before the Federal Committee of his party that the Socialists will not try to form a Government "at any price", but feel entitled to try if the conservative Rajoy fails.
Sanchez said he will not negotiate any agreement that jeopardizes the territorial integrity of Spain for a referendum in Catalonia, as proposed by the left-wing coalition Podemos, would be "the beginning of new ruptures." The PSOE, said Sanchez to secretary general of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, will not try to form a Government "at any price", although he feels entitled to try if the conservative Popular Party of Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, to no avail.
The Socialists admit that corresponds to the Popular Party Government trying to form, the winner of the elections on December 20. The PSOE, Pedro Sanchez recalled, "did not win the elections, but I am not satisfied because I lead a winning party." So if the Conservatives do not invest their candidate, the Socialists try to form a Government supported by a new "progressive" majority "left".
Pedro Sanchez met Sunday night with the regional leaders of the PSOE, with whom he established the guidelines of socialist negotiations with other political parties, especially Podemos. The PSOE considers nonnegotiable unit of Spain and rejects a referendum in Catalonia on their integration in Spain. Despite the consensus on this point, some regional socialist leaders openly criticize the secretary general for his obsession agree with Podemos. This possible pact has breached the Socialist Party that threatens the continuity of Pedro Sanchez at the helm of the organization.
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