
Spain coordinates the work on the implementation the nuclear program of Iran

Of the Security Council

USPA NEWS - Spain welcomes the publication of the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the implementation by Iran of the important commitments made to the international community on transparency and its purely civilian nuclear program, commitments ratified by resolution 2231 of 2015.
This first step will result in the suspension of an important part of the sanctions against Iran. The Spanish Government is “confident that full compliance by Iran with its obligations in this area facilitates their full integration into the international community, and allows an improvement of the situation in a region subject to severe crises and complex conflicts. Ensure full compliance only civil and peaceful nature of the nuclear program,“ said the Spanish Government in a press release.
It puts an end to the work of the 1737 Committee of the Security Council, charged with monitoring the sanctions against Iran, whose president has put Spain to date. The Security Council has named Spain "Facilitator" of the functions that the 2231 resolution instructs the Council regarding compliance and verification of commitments Iran over its nuclear program. In this new responsibility, Spain coordinates the work of the Security Council on the matter. The Government of Madrid appreciates the confidence in Spain by the Board members in recognition of the reliability and the work of our country in front of the Sanctions Committee on Iran and decisively assumes responsibility conferred.
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