


President Hollande Elysee Palace (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Courtyard Elysee Palace Republican Guards
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - The French President wished the new year 2016, last week to French diplomacy. The diplomatic corps came to the Elysee listen Francois Hollande the wishes. This year was the opportunity to announce big plans to turn to the world despite a tense zone in the Middle East and the effects of terrorism.
Terrorism Logo
Source: Courtesy townsin By edu
REMARKS OF THE FRENCH PRESIDENT HOLLANDE AT ELYSEE PALACE BEFORE THE WORLD AMBASSADORS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE YEAR 2016 WILL BE DECISIVE BECAUSE OF THE ACTUAL WORLDWIDE CONTEXT OF TERRORISM "France is the enemy of anyone or civilization or culture. However it has only one enemy "jihadism",whose quest is destruction, suffering. USA and other countries was the first nation engaged against Iraq Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). There is always paradox, the worst and best meet. The attacks have resulted an extraordinary show of solidarity, in January in Paris (2015), with the leaders of states who came just for the participation in the march of January 11 and then at the international expression of solidarity, after the attacks of 13 November. I'm showing my appreciation vis a vis your country and this gesture that went straight to the heart of French."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The President started his speech with a tragic reminder lived in France in particular and in general in the rest of the world since that "jihadists" terrorizing civilians in several countries, as well as the greetings of gratitude to the rest of the world's mobilisation that occured first for "the silent march of heads of state" who came for Charlie Hebdo attacks on January 11 in Paris. See article:2 MILLION OF SILENT REPUBLICAN MARCH IN PARIS, INCLUDING 50 HEADS OF STATE FRENCH REPUBLIC STANDS UP FACE TERRORISM - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-3194/2-million-of-silent-republican-march-in-paris-including-50-heads-of-state.html#sthash.ZeVp5QKi.dpuf The second fatal occasion was the expression of global solidarity and affection and love of France from people around the world during a Black Friday attacks in Paris and Saint Denis.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See article:STATE OF EMERGENCY WAS DECLARED FOR 12 DAYS IN PARIS SINCE THE TERRORIST ATTACKS BLACK FRIDAY OF NOVEMBER 13TH - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-6367/state-of-emergency-was-declared-for-12-days-in-paris-since-the-terrorist-attacks.html#sthash.E4MBmvLD.dpuf He added that the influence of diplomacy will help winning against the barbarie and connect people in the elan of a "planetary consciousness of humanity". He then made reference to the positive outcome of the holding of the COP21 maintained despite the events of 13 November. Indeed the Paris conference of the COP21, chaired by Laurent Fabius, French Head of Diplomacy, has kept its promise leading to this historic global agreement against global warming, 12 December 2015. The diplomacy has been plenty involved upstream, to prepare the COP21, from France and overseas, but also during the same conference itself.See article : 12 -12- 2015 CAN BE NOT ONLY HISTORIC DAY BUT A GREAT DAY FOR HUMANITY SAYS PRESIDENT HOLLANDE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-6786/12-12-2015-can-be-not-only-historic-day-but-a-great-day-for-humanity.html#sthash.SVoysVEd.dpuf
COP21 Agreement Le Bourget Paris
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
COP21 WAS A SUCCESS AND BRINGS HOPE WITH THIS HISTORIC AGREEMENT FOR THE PLANET'S FUTURE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There is hope for the planet as Gandhi said "We must be concerned about the world that we will not see." This is what we did during COP21 to see what we will leave as a trace for our future generations will be proud of us. I Hope to meet you back in November with a historic agreement on the climate. The International Community has shown and proved that it could unite. I want to congratulate this remarkable result for Fabius." Says President Hollande who marks a particular gratitude to Laurent Fabius who insisted that the COP21 takes place in Paris, and whose result was at the height of their expectation but also the comprehensiveness of countries represented under the aegis the UN. This agreement was not only necessary but urgent need to fight against global warming and protecting the entire planet, but henceforth represented the first major step towards decarbonisation. A new era, based on new energies is scripted from now on on the book of the history of humanity, to preserve earth by reducing the destruction of the ozone layer.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an historic agreement because we make history and also because we need to expect to spend the energy of a low-carbon renewable energy. This success because I congratulate the team but we owe it to not have committed that comes, like Peru, India very constitutive where I'm going within days. There is also the US and China with the final declaration and all other countries who debated until the last moment, or I had to call them in the final moments of negotiating. The heads of state that I call upon few hours upstream , and I salute them today. Not to mention, Ban Ki Moon and the UN to ensure that your participation at all General Meetings of COP21 was put in evidence." continues President Hollande, after the success of COP21 historic agreement after long and tough negotiations involving 190 UN countries, in Paris Le Bourget 12 December, 2015.--------------See also article : PRESIDENT HOLLANDE CONGRATULATES THE DELEGATES TEAM WHO NEGOTIATED SUCCESSFULLY ON CLIMATE CHANGE OF COP21 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-6744/president-hollande-congratulates-the-delegates-team-who-negotiated-successfully.html#sthash.tfEtRGAv.dpuf
Courtyard Elysee Republican Guards
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Diplomat Courtyard Elysee
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Diplomat Courtyard Elysee
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
President Francois Hollande Elysee
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
ABOUT THE RATIFICATION OF THE COP21 AGREEMENT AND FINANCIAL TOOLS-------------------------------------- "On April 22 I will be in New York for the signing of the Paris Agreement requires that 55 states ratify it, and I run you through this call for your head 'dates are in New York. France is in charge of the Presidency until the COP 22 to be hosted in Morocco. We will have that funding and funding mechanisms are realised every 5 years for 100 billion Euros, before 2020. On the other hand, France will set an example for the rest of the world with concrete actions such as solar power as was the case paves the Indian PM Modi but also by warning mechanisms and also through initiatives Renewables in Africa. We want the dynamics of COP21 Paris or concrete. France wants to be the height with the AFD (Agence France Development) commitment with CDC, for equity are triples with 50% to go up to 20 billions in 5 years. The contribution of France for the World AIDS Fund against TB and is the first global financial excluding tax for action Development in 2016." Say The Chief of State. President Hollande finishes with a very positive concluding for the year to come 2016, although he warns to avoid any war or conflict non resolved in the European Union: "The year 2016 will be decisive should not settle war in the gates of Europe."
COP21 Logo
Source: Courtesy Diplomacy
Laurent Fabius Elysee Greetings
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Diplomat Courtyard Elysee
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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