
Rajoy vs Sanchez on Friday: a dialogue of the deaf

The two leaders will meet at last

Rajoy in the Spanish Senate
(Source: PP)
USPA NEWS - The acting President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, who will meet on Friday with the General Secretary of the Socialist Party, proposed as candidate to Primer Minister, Pedro Sanchez, said Wednesday willingness to study "in good faith" the proposals submitted by socialists and Citizens.
After 17 negative of the socialist Pedro Sanchez to talk to Rajoy, the candidate for Prime Minister will meet on Friday with Rajoy, although he knows it will be a dialogue of the deaf that will not get the support of conservatives to his inauguration. But the rules of the parliamentary education require to meet the enemy, and in the final stretch of the negotiations that the Socialist Party is celebrating with the other parties represented in Parliament, except Rajoy's conservative Popular Party and the Catalan independence, the expected meeting will take place in the Lower House.
In that interview, Rajoy, who insists on defending the formation of a coalition Government between conservatives, socialists and Citizens, led by Rajoy as leader of the largest party in the elections on December 20, 2015, will propose that formula to the socialist candidate because, in his view, is the "most democratic" and that best guarantees the stability and progress of Spain. But no changes are expected in the relationship between the two leaders, whose interview is a process that a meeting designed to unlock the Spanish political situation.
On Wednesday, before the senators from the conservative Popular Party, Rajoy was much less forceful in condemning political corruption involving his party and in conciliatory attitude, promised to study "in good faith" the proposals submitted by socialists and Citizens. Proposals that pass the Conservatives allow, with abstention, the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, and corruption that has led to the judges to the entire leadership of the Popular Party in the region of Valencia and has closed the doors to the reelection Rajoy.
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