


UK Flag (Source: worlds of maps)
David Cameron and Martin Shulz
(Source: Courtesy of European Parliament)
USPA NEWS - The deal is done, the date is set. On the 23rd of June, you´ll have your say : BRITAIN and EUROPE IN OR OUT. there will be lots of debates but this referendum is straightforward, it;s about you and your family.
European Union logo
Source: European Parliament
The deal is done, the date is set. On the 23rd of June, you´ll have your say : BRITAIN and EUROPE IN OR OUT. there will be lots of debates but this referendum is straightforward, it;s about you and your family. -Where will you be better off ? Where will be more trade more jobs and lower prices : In or Out ? -Where will you be safer, where are terrorists more likely to be tracked down and criminals brought to justice, in or out ? -Where will our country be stronger ? Where will Britain have the biggest influence : In or Out ? No one saying we could succeed if we leave Europe. Of course we could, this is Britain we can achieve great things. The question is where best we can succeed , and I believe that that is in a reformed Europe Some say that we could leave and carry on trading with our neighbours, but the countries outside the EU with fill access that single market have to pay into it, and accept immigrants, and they don´t get any say ob the rules that affect them. Britain is different. We now have a special status in Europe, the best of both worlds. Access to the world´s largest single market bu no discrimination, because we don´t have the euro, and no obligation to bail out eurozone countries. We have the right to live, work and retire abroad bit no Schengen open borders-------------------------------------------------------- We´ve got cooperation on vital security issues but European army, and we´ve got influence over the biggest issues but no part in a European superstate.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I´m not saying that Europe is perfect. Far from it, But by staying in we can continue to reform it. And the point is this, we know what that reformed Europe looks like-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one can say what being in Europe would look like. On what terms would be trade in Europe at what would be the cost? How long does it take to sort it all out ?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happens to our jobs and economy in the meantime ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------What about our trade with the rest of the world-------------------------------------------------------------What about our agreements with other European countries on crime ?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The times we work together to tackle our biggest threats ?---------------------- What about Britain´s clout on the world´s stage ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No-one can say ? No one-knows . And I´m like you and your families I don´t want a leap in the dark, I want a bright future for Britain. One to creates jobs for people, chances for our children and security for everyone. I believe that being in, in a reformed Europe is the best way to achieve that, leaving this country stringer, safer and better off. I´m gonna spend the next four months making that case for the good of Britain, today, tomorrow and well into the future.“ Says David Cameron from 10 Downing Street.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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