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French Minister Foreign Affairs Jean Marc Ayrault
(Source: Official Jean Marc Ayrault)
USPA NEWS - Jean-Marc Ayrault new Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Prime Minister, who was appointed to this position following the departure of Laurent Fabius to the Constitutional Council. He handled quickly the most urgent task, particularly the 2268 resolution of the Security Council.
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DECLARATION OF JEAN MARC AYRAULT FRENCH MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS-------------------------------"France welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolution 2268 of the Security Council, which endorsed an agreement on cessation of hostilities in Syria, effective midnight tonight. France has supported the adoption of this resolution, which opens the hope of immediate improvement of the situation of the Syrian people.--------------------------------------------------------------- The implementation of this agreement will be a test of the provision of the Syrian regime, Russia, Iran and militias it arms, to seek a negotiated solution to the Syrian conflict. The cessation of hostilities will have to cease all military actions by the regime and its supporters against moderate opposition to all office situations and all attacks against civilians. The agreement recalls that only Daech (ISIS), the al Nosra Front and terrorist groups explicitly listed by the Security Council are excluded from the cessation of hostilities. Any attack against other groups constitute a breach of the truce. Resolution 2268 also requires the full implementation of the obligations of the parties under international humanitarian law, in particular access without hindrance or precondition of humanitarian assistance to affected populations.------------------------------------------------ France will ensure, with the strictest vigilance, respect commitments of the releases of Vienna and Munich and in 2254 and 2268 resolutions of the Security Council.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is only under these conditions that the inter-Syrian negotiations on the terms of a political transition can take on credible foundations in Geneva under the auspices of the Special Envoy of the United Nations, and the terms under the resolution 2254 of the security Council. In addition, France will continue to provide support to the Syrian opposition, represented by the high bargaining council in Riyadh, which is committed to a democratic Syria, pluralistic and respectful of diversity, and politicall , support their legitimate claims transition matters.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See article : LAURENT FABIUS LEFT FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY & IS REPLACED BY JEAN MARC AYRAULT HE WAS THE PRIME MINISTER IN 2012 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-7292/laurent-fabius-left-foreign-affairs-ministry-und-is-replaced-by-jean-marc-ayrault.html#sthash.ll6FwcEQ.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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