


(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Ministry fo Justice Facade
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - On the occasion of the International Day of Women's Rights,Jean-Jacques Urvoas, Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice invited to the Chancellery of women iconic careers, parts of all branches of the Department. The Minister also signed the commitment agreement of the Department of Justice.
Daniele Bousquet & Jean Jacques Urvoas
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
On this occasion the Minister Jean Jacques Urvoas, signed the commitment agreement of the Department of Justice for public communication without stereotype of gender, according to the guide prepared by the High Council for Equality between women and men. The Chancellery is the first department to sign the agreement shortly after the installation of the High Council for Equality between women and men by the President of the Republic that morning.  
Gaelle Abiliy
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Then it was the turn of Mrs Gaëlle Abily, who presented the steps leading to the commitment agreement for public communication without gender stereotype. Gaëlle Abily, explained as the Talebearer of the practical guide for public communication without gender stereotype. "Talebearer of the "Convention regardless of gender stereotype." explained what is behind this initiative, and addressed to the Minister of Justice. Your listening skills makes me a sign, hoping that you will come to congratulate us in some time on this commitment. This bodes well for the projects we have in common, the SEDEF agreement (ACDEO) which ratified it 32 years ago and mobilized very little because justice professionals are not trained, while the "International Court Rights "practice it much. It is necessary to know the now. It is my pleasure to sign this agreement today."
Jean Jacques Urvoas Signing
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Isabelle Gorce is one Director of four branches of the Department of Justice. She runs the prison sector and delivers us his experience and his role in that tan woman magistrate. I have also interviewed the Director of French Prisons Ms. Isabelle Gorce explaining her background and how she accessed to that post of high responsibility and sensitive especially for a woman. "I'm a judge and I spent much of my career working with the prisons as a judge. I acquired some knowledge and awareness. In 13 years working on the ground of the prison, I became for two and a half years the Head of this sector of judiciary institution (Appointed by Christiane Taubira), I find a lot of vitality. Despite the appearances, prison's officials are very dynamic and humans. iI is paradoxical but they love their trades in prison although it is a harsh environment, and suffer more than thought opposite. One must have empathy and humanity to work in the judiciary. This is what holds these staffl in this administration, because social dialogue with trade unions is somehow difficult. I was personally prepared in this configuration and I knew that I would have to adapt myself.
Jean Jacques Urvoas Talk
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
In the gentlemanly code of order, Minister Jean-Jacques Urvoas spoke at the end, as a closure of the ceremony, pronouncing a short speech, making tribute to women and congratulating the signature of this agreement, and noting that four of his board positions are held by women. Mr Urvoas, expressed his joy to be well surrounded by women both competent and evolving in their career plans. And he gave the example of his Cabinet Chief, Anne Wurtz who testimonies that "when Jean Jacques Urvoas just after appointed Justice minister, he asked me what I wanted to do, I told him that I'll see good deputy chief of staff ... He replied "why not and Head of the firm?" then he named me cabinet Chief! And this is thanks to his own initiative. "
maracuja passfilore
Source: sienzaesalute
Indeed this witness testifies and the women should not not lack confidence when it comes to making a career plan. As if some women self-flagellate they even, minimising their ability to reach a top job site, has strength to suffer gender inequalities. After verbal exchanges and photo poses was followed by the signing of the agreement, with Danielle Bousquet, President of the High Council for equality between women and men.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cocktail dinner, prepared by a chef, then served a moment of delight the taste buds with delicious dishes, including salmon tartare with mango served in fruit shells of passion. An end after the signing ceremony in a convivial atmosphere and delicious by the exotic passion fruit button.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the dish that impressed me most at the buffet, offered the women present (and men!), Because it is an exceptional fruit of the "Passionaria". The ceremony was delivered with passion and raised by all these women if driven alongside the Minister accompanied them in their equity approach, male / female.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fruit is proof, if any is that the most unlikely salty sugar weddings, may surprise the curious and the most delicate palate. Besides the "Passion Fruit" as it is called, is not he same from a combination of passion ( "passion" in Latin) and flower ( "flor" in Latin), supposed represent it in its different stages. His heart include the crown of thorns and the flavor ...

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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