
Rajoy defends right of asylum as proper of democratic and civilized countries

In an interview in TV

(Source: Carlos Serrano / Mediaset España)
USPA NEWS - The acting President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, he has been convinced that the European Council, held on 17 and 18 March in Brussels, will a common position on the situation of refugees, according he said in an interview in Telecinco.
As regards the refugee crisis, President Rajoy was convinced that the European Union will be achieved agree a common position and mass deportations that are advertised from Greece to Turkey "not be produced in any way "because" they are contrary to all international conventions." He also recalled that the right of asylum, "the stuff of democratic and civilized countries," is a figure that caters to people fleeing war or who are persecuted.
On the other hand, Mariano Rajoy has strongly criticized the incidents of a few days ago in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, when some Dutch fans of the football team PSV derided some immigrant women who were begging. After ensuring that "is one of the most revolting and disgusting things I've seen in my life," it has argued that legal proceedings "against these true barbarians" starts.
Political uncertainty
Regarding the political moment that lives Spain, the President stressed the need to establish "soon" a Government that "is a Government that builds trust." He has returned to defend the formation of a grand coalition because, he explained, "I am absolutely convinced that is the best for Spain." Rajoy has explained that an executive with broad-based, similar to those existing in Germany, Austria or the EU itself, "could generate confidence in investors and people who can generate wealth and employment in our country." He added that the "political uncertainty is never good to consolidate the economic recovery."
He also stressed that Spain still has "a major challenge" consolidate economic recovery and continue to create jobs in order to maintain the welfare state. According to Rajoy, "the main factor of inequality is unemployment." Although he recalled that in 2014 and 2015 were created in Spain a million jobs, he added that "we must persevere because much remains to be done, there are many people who are still working and that is the challenge of the future."
Asked if he would meet with the President of the regional Government of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, Mariano Rajoy has been open to dialogue and to hold a meeting "as soon as I ask." However, he insisted in defending "the unity of Spain, national sovereignty and equality of all Spaniards whoever they are and wherever they live." In addition, he recalled that the Spanish Government is focused on "solving many of the major problems affecting many citizens of Catalonia," as is to face debt maturities or payment to suppliers.
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