
French PM Manuel Valls gathers Muslim bodies in France for the 2nd edition

Priority is fight against radicalization

French PM Manuel Valls (Source: Courtesy French Government)
Terrorism logo
(Source: carree India)
USPA NEWS - The instance of dialogue between the Muslim and French governments was again held March 21, 2016 for the second edition and had met the first time June 15, 2015. This intiative government aims to "fight against radicalization is promoting a strong Islam, republican and organized," as recalled PM.
French Police Airport
Source: Courtesy French Police
This intiative´s government aims to "fight against radicalization is promoting a strong Islam, republican and organized," as recalled by the PM, Manuel Valls. This meeting is a continuation of local consultations organized by the prefectures, which allowed to hear thousands of Muslim French. It was this time focused on the phenomenon of radicalization.---------------------- FIGHT RADICALISATION IS A PRIORITY IN FRANCE TO REDUCE THE SYRIAN RECRUITMENT OF YOUTH FOR JIHAD---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The fight against radicalization is a priority “Over 2000 French or residents in France are very directly affected by the Syrian or Iraqi networks, and thousands of young people in our neighborhoods are near and far love this radicalization" , said Manuel Valls opening day. As a reminder, this forum brings together members of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, the presidents of Regional Councils of the Muslim Faith, representatives designated by the federations of mosques, mosques rectors recognized for their radiation and daily investment, and representatives of Civil society.
Defining by french Police
Source: Courtesy French Police
"We must of course seek to understand" the process of radicalization, said Manuel Valls:--------------------------------------------- “¢ "This is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and social science course have a role to understand, analyze, dissect the mechanisms by which the people fall into this form of hyper-violence, negation of the other, nihilism ";------------------------- “¢ "The terrorists are responsible for their actions, they have no extenuating circumstances, they are free individuals, who had the choice." "Otherwise it means that any young person who is struggling, who is looking, could tilt in terrorism, [the explanation] would be totally unacceptable."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But we must also act.-------------------------------------------- Local: already all prefectures have a monitoring unit and accompanying radicalized people. The prefectures will now "seek to rely on religious references to assist in the management of some radicalized individuals and their families," said Bernard Cazeneuve. In any case, "there is [...] for the state to say what is the right Islam, but to allow the young minds steeped in propaganda "Daech" (ISIS) access, in dialogue with a person confidence, a broader understanding of theological questions. "--------------------------------------In prisons: the means of prison chaplaincy has been reinforced; an "association of Muslim prison chaplain, with a charter that supports some aspects of training chaplains [to] dismantle violent speech" will be created, also announced the Minister of the Interior

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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