
Mauritius President Ameenah Gurib Fakim welcomed by President Hollande at Elysee

Praised for her efforts at the COP21

Mauritius Fag (Source: Mauritius embassy)
Presidents Hollande & Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
(Source: Courtesy Elysee)
USPA NEWS - The Mauritian President was received today by President Hollande Elysee who, has congratulated for the efforts of Mauritius in line with the historic agreement of the COP21. During his tour in Europe, Professor Gurib-Fakim has received several medals for his commitment to the woman political leader.
Presidents Hollande & Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
Source: Courtesy Elysee
PRESIDENT HOLLANDE CONGRATULATES AMEENAH GURIB-FAKIM FOR HER STRONG INVOLVMENT ON MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE The President of the Republic met with Ms. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, President of the Republic of Mauritius. He thanked her for the strong involvement of his country in favor of the ambitious agreement signed in Paris during the COP21, Maurice had been part of the States advocating the greatest possible reduction of gas emissions greenhouse at the World level. François Hollande confirmed that France would keep all its commitments made at the Paris conference on climate change, particularly to promote the adaptation of developing countries to climate change and encourage the use of renewable energy. The Head of State praised the effort promised by the Republic of Mauritius on mitigation of climate change, with a decrease of 30% of its CO2 emissions by 2030. France supports this strategy via the French Development Agency. Hollande also praised the rapid development of Franco-Mauritian relations in research and higher education, through the activities of the universities of Bordeaux, Limoges, Paris II and Paris V, as well as the Central School Nantes, Nantes national School of architecture and ESSEC this year. Finally, the President of the Republic welcomed the commitment of the Mauritian President for equality between men and women." Elysee----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See article :AMEENAH GURIB FAKIM PRESIDENT OF MAURITIUS IS A BRILLIANT FEMININE SYMBOL EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - BEST 2015 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-7187/ameenah-gurib-fakim-president-of-mauritius-is-a-brilliant-feminine-symbol.html#sthash.tD1DHgSS.dpuf-------------------------------------------------- See article : WOMENS FORUM DEAUVILLE BECAME A MAJOR ANNUAL APPOINTMENT FOR LEADERS WORLDWIDE 1200 WOMEN FROM 73 COUNTRIES - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5945/womens-forum-deauville-became-a-major-annual-appointment-for-leaders-worldwide.html#sthash.S77eZBpF.dpuf See article : GLOBAL WOMENS FORUM GATHERING MOST POWERFUL WOMEN WORLDWIDE IN DUBAI ON 23 - 24 FEBRUARY - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-7188/global-womens-forum-gathering-most-powerful-women-worldwide.html#sthash.u6WNdTml.dpuf  

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