
King Felipe VI takes the initiative to resolve the Spanish political crisis

Announces a new round of consultations

USPA NEWS - King Philip IV of Spain on Tuesday called on the political parties represented in Parliament, a new round of consultations, 25 and 26, which should leave a candidate for the Presidency of the Government or call for early elections.
After the failure of negotiations between the Socialist Party, the center party of Citizens and left-wing coalition Podemos, the chances of forming a Government with sufficient parliamentary support seem to have disappeared. Therefore, King Felipe VI has decided to take the initiative to end the period of political uncertainty in Spain, which has lasted nearly four months. The monarch called on Tuesday a new round of consultations with leaders of political parties represented in Parliament, which will a candidate for the Presidency of the Government, if any one that has sufficient parliamentary support, or otherwise , the dissolution of Parliament and new elections for June 26.
Political parties have until May 2 to choose Prime Minister, according to the law. However, in practice only have two weeks as if there were a candidate for Prime Minister, he should have the confidence of Parliament the last week of this month. But it seems unlikely that any candidate to receive the necessary support to undergo the endowment, especially after the failure of negotiations between socialists, Citizens and the extreme left represented in Podemos, and the refusal of the Socialist candidate, Pedro Sanchez, a dialogue with the acting president of the Spanish Government and conservative candidate, Mariano Rajoy.
Podemos consult its members next weekend what should be the position in a hypothetical vote on the investiture of the socialist Pedro Sanchez. It seems that the militants refuse to support the socialist and even abstaining from the extreme left. Thus, the choice of Sanchez is impossible. As the conservative Mariano Rajoy also lacks sufficient support, Spain is doomed to repeat the elections six months after the last elections.
Barring a miracle, of the consultations held the King of Spain will the dissolution of Parliament and new elections. Felipe VI instructed the Congress president, Patxi Lopez, to draw up the list of representatives of political parties who attend the Zarzuela Palace to meet with the King. Patxi Lopez will deliver that list on April 21 and four days later, the monarch will begin consultations with leaders of various political parties. The road to the polls is already indicated.
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