
Spain prepares to hold new elections on June 26

Political parties take positions

USPA NEWS - The time of political uncertainty that lives Spain from December 20, 2015, when the polls revealed a dispersion of the overwhelming vote that no political party has been able to form a Government, could end if next week, King Philip VI dissolves Parliament and calls early legislative elections.
In these four months, the only two formations that have stood firm in their positions and loyal to their ideologies have been the two main Spanish political parties, the conservative Popular Party of the acting Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and the Socialist Party of the candidate Pedro Sanchez, criticized by new formations as examples of the old policy and both determined to form a Government. The difference between conservatives and socialists is that the former have always defended a coalition government between Popular Party and Socialist Party, with the incorporation of Citizens, and the Socialist Party has refused to speak and govern with the conservatives.
Citizens, in the middle, is a party born in Catalonia, which gave the jump to the national policy for the elections of December 20, 2015, which won the fourth best result. Citizens has happened in the last four months of the center-right to the absolute center, and from there to the center-left. A swing that can take its toll on June 26 if elections are held, because more than one million votes he got in December came from the Popular Party voters and might abandon him if he maintains his approach to the Socialist Party. Citizens reaches the new campaign played in his image, much as its leaders presumed to be the key governance in Spain and have a sense of State that in its opinion, lacking other parties with more history and experience.
The fourth in discord is Podemos, a coalition of small parties of the extreme left who embraced populism to attract votes and that in June, is expected to be presented allied with communist United Left. With the results of last December, this marriage between formations have obtained up to 14 members and would have taken more seats to the other three major parties. The question is what will happen in June because Podemos have revealed its true face and the face of totalitarianism.
A fact, in a ceremony held at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid, which occurred on Thursday, April 21, was revealed. There, the secretary general of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, criticized, ridiculed and attacked a journalist with El Mundo newspaper and, later, the entire journalistic profession, arguing that those from the media criticize Podemos or speak ill coalition do to thrive in their media and ensure salary. What could have been just a tone output by the secretary general of Podemos opened the door to social networks to many reproductions of earlier statements of Iglesias, as its project to create a Ministry of Truth censor what is published, or his defense of State ownership of the media.
Podemos received five million votes on December 20, 2015, installed in the left-wing populism. Parliament arrival made him moderate his speech, partly because of his desire to attract Socialist voters. And the left-wing coalition seeks to take the place of the Socialist Party as a reference for the Spanish left. Now comes the most likely new election call radicalizing his speech, with the possibility of absorbing the communist United Left and outnumber of votes and seats to the Socialists. To that end the election campaign will face if, as seems, King Philip VI calls for the legislative election on June 26.
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