
Philip VI notes the lack of candidates for Prime Minister and call elections

For June 26 in Spain

King Philip VI and Rajoy, Tuesday (Source: Spanish Royal House)
Socialist Pedro Sanchez greetings King
(Source: Spanish Royal House)
USPA NEWS - Spain will hold legislative elections on June 26, six months after his last appointment with the polls. The round of consultations of King Philip VI with leaders of political parties represented in the Spanish Parliament ended as expected, without a candidate for Prime Minister.
"I said to the King that I do not have more than 131 votes in Parliament," said the secretary general and candidate of the Socialist Party in its post-meeting appearance he had with King Philip VI. "Consequently, neither can nor should introduce a new investiture," he added. "We are heading for a repeat of the elections." Recognition of the Socialist candidate for Prime Minister was the sign that was expected to confirm that the Spanish Legislature X is dead and that new elections are necessary to unlock the Spanish political situation.
The second and final day of King Philip VI consultations with leaders of political parties represented in Parliament lived the last desperate attempt to avoid new elections. One of minority leftist parties, integrated into the orbit of Podemos, the populist extreme leftist coalition, presented a proposal for government in coalition with 30 possible minimum points to be agreed. Almost immediately, the Socialist Party accepted 27 of those points and declared himself ready to negotiate the other three, in exchange for their candidate, Pedro Sanchez, was Prime Minister, but the proposal met with the opposition of Citizens, the partner of the Socialists in the X Legislature, and other minority parties that detracted credibility.
At a press conference, Pedro Sanchez again accuses the conservative Popular Party and the coalition of left-wing Podemos, of being responsible for the institutional impasse that lives Spain for four months. "Mr. Rajoy has found a lifeline in Mr. Iglesias," the secretary general of Podemos, Sanchez said, who explain that "Rajoy expects his right from wrong to call new elections." But he was convinced that "Spain will emerge stronger from this crossroads."
Dissolution of Parliament and call elections
After noting the lack of a candidate with sufficient parliamentary support to be sworn in Prime Minister, King Philip VI will dissolve Parliament next Monday. The next day, they will be automatically called new elections. It will be the first time since the restoration of democracy in Spain, in 1977, the King dissolves Parliament and calls elections, a power that under normal circumstances is the responsibility of the Prime Minister. Start-electoral campaign on June 9 and elections will be held on 26th of that month. The conservative Government of Mariano Rajoy remain in office until the election of a new Prime Minister in the XI Legislature.
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