
Roadside bomb hits Afghan passenger bus, 9 civilians killed

USPA News - A roadside bomb on Monday struck a passenger bus and killed at least 9 civilians in central Afghanistan, local authorities said. The blast took place at around 9 a.m. local time on the Kabul-Kandahar highway in the Salra area of Syedabad, located in the province of Maidan Wardak.
Governor spokesperson Attaullah Khogyani confirmed the explosion, stating that in addition to the nine confirmed deaths, 11 men, 6 women, and 4 children were injured, according to Pajhwok Afghan News. Fifteen of the wounded were reported in critical condition. The bus was traveling from Ghazni to Kabul when it struck the roadside bomb, which according to local authorities, had been planted by militants. However, no group has claimed responsibility of the attack. The victims were transported to the Syedabad Hospital, although the exact number of injuries was uncertain with the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan reported 28 injured from one of their health facilities.
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