
Rajoy stressed that the degree of strength and confidence in Spain have improved

Presentation of the Messiah report

(Source: Government of Spain)
USPA NEWS - The acting president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, said Wednesday in Madrid that the report 'Strengths Brand Spain' whose presentation took place at the America's House, highlights how "the degree of strength and confidence in Spain they have improved."
"Between 2011 and 2015, most of the fundamental parameters used to measure the degree of confidence and strength of Spain have improved," said Rajoy. However, he admitted that even "we have big challenges ahead, we will face successfully.“ The Messiah 2011-2015 Report reflects, in the words of acting president of the Spanish Government, "the Spain that is emerging from crisis and leading a tough job creation in the European Union, according to the EU itself and the OECD."
The report also describes "the Spain dynamics, looking confidently to the outside, which broke its record exports in 2015," which is at the head of organ donations worldwide and manages the largest number of transport infrastructure the world, including the Panama Canal expansion and high speed between Mecca and Medina. Spain is also, added Rajoy, a country visiting 68 million tourists, which is "admired for his lifestyle, his old and new gastronomy, by the imagination of its artists and creators, and the spirit of its athletes."
Mariano Rajoy argued that one of the distinguishing features of Spain is innovation and to illustrate this statement explained that Spain are the fourth largest producer of wind power, the seventh largest producer of satellites, the ninth vehicle producer, the ninth recipient of foreign direct investment and generator tenth direct investment abroad. To this it is added that "we are European leaders in fiber." In fact, he stressed, there is more fiber in Spain than in countries like France or Germany, and recalled that "the European ladder headed e-learning."
The acting president of the Spanish Government assessed that Spain has won "the confidence of the international community" to be in the United Nations Security Council in the 2015-2016 biennium, which defends and promotes the role of women in achieving peace and security, which monitors human rights in areas of conflict and fighting "barbarism" of terrorism.
It is true, he acknowledged, that challenges remain, some of them "serious" as unemployment, and "great challenges" ahead, but in their opinion this should not prevent the Spanish "assess our achievements, celebrate our progress and recognize the fruit of our efforts." In this sense, Rajoy predicted that "we expect many goals to overcome, many works by creating many contracts signed and many trophies to lift," and was convinced that the Spanish "we have the ambition to become successful these challenges."
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