
King Philip VI reaffirms President Obama Spain-USA alliance against terror

Sends condolences for Orlando

USPA NEWS - The King of Spain, Philip VI sent Monday to US President Barack Obama, a telegram of condolences for the shooting of Orlando, in which 49 people died and 53 were injured. The Spanish monarch reaffirmed the commitment to the fight against terror.
King Philip VI condemns "in the strongest terms" the attack, which he says was "contrary to all principles" of democratic coexistence, and displayed "deeply impressed" by a "heinous act." Along with the Queen Letizia, King of Spain expressed his "support and solidarity" with the American people and especially with the families of the victims of the attack, and wishes a speedy recovery to the wounded.
In the message, the Spanish monarch reaffirmed the "commitment" of Spain collaboration with the United States in the fight against terror. The Spanish Government is in permanent contact with the US Embassy in Madrid and warns that the attack in Orlando shows that we are all threatened by terrorists. The Spanish Police has reinforced border surveillance, especially on the border with France in order to hinder illegal weapons trafficking between Africa and Europe. The controls are random and are conducted on flows in and out of vehicles, as researchers believe terrorists may move weapons of war from France for the Maghreb and from Arab countries to France.
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