
Tribute of President Hollande and Bernard Cazeneuve for the policemen killed

Jean-Baptiste and Jessica Schneider Salv

Crisis Meeting after Magnanville (Source: Courtesy Elysee)
President Hollande and Bernard Cazeneuve
(Source: Courtesy Elysee)
USPA NEWS - French Police is mourning following the killing of two police officers Jean Baptist Salvaing Jessica Schneider and his companion has Magnanville. A ceremony of very moving and dignified tribute was held today at the police prefecture of Paris, chaired by the President Hollande and Bernard Cazeneuve
Jean Baptiste Salvaing & Jessica
Source: Courtesy Interior Ministry
On Monday, Jean-Baptiste Salvaing, deputy police commander, was killed with a knife outside his home in Magnanville (Yvelines). The assailant then kidnapped the girlfriend of the policeman Jessica Schneider, he slaughtered, and their little boy of three and a half years, found shocked but unharmed. Their child in shock leaves the hospital Necker tomorrow. The French Police is mourning following the killing of two police officers Jean Baptist Salvaing Jessica Schneider and his companion has Magnanville. A ceremony of very moving and dignified tribute was held today at the police prefecture of Paris, chaired by the President of the Republic and Holland Francois Bernard Cazeneuve the Minister of Interior. The French President, François Hollande presided Bernard Cazeneuve with the ceremony of homage to the memory of Jean Baptiste Salvaing and Jessica Schneider. All of the interior ministry of personnel came together in the Court of Beauvau hotel to join in the tribute of the President of the Republic and the Minister of Home Affairs, Bernard Cazeneuve. The minister expressed his infinite sadness then a police commander and his partner itself officer of the Department of the Interior, were fatally injured this evening in their home in Magnanville (Yvelines).

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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