
Rajoy denies being the obstacle to the formation of Government in Spain

Accuses socialists and Citizens

(Source: TVE)
USPA NEWS - "I am not an obstacle, the obstacle was them," the acting president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, said Monday in a interview in the Spanish public television (TVE). On Sunday, Spaniards return to the polls.
Rajoy was referring to the Socialist Party (PSOE) and Citizens, the two formations rejected the formation of a grand coalition after the elections on December 20, 2015. "I do not intend to take us to a third election. I want to discard. It is that we were missing, a third election at the whim of some," Rajoy said in an interview on the morning show the Breakfast of TVE. In his opinion, "we must respect the will of the people" and let rule the party that wins the elections.
"Everyone has an obligation to provide a solution to complex situations," said Rajoy, who has not seen "so difficult" for the conservative Popular Party (PP), PSOE and Citizens agree that agree on the defense of the unity of Spain, national sovereignty, equality of all Spaniards and the defense of the market economy, among others. Rajoy called "big mistake" the position held Socialists and Citizens in the negotiations after the December 20, 2015, and accused them of the rise of the extreme left populist displayed in Podemos. The secretary general of this party, Pablo "Iglesias is second because PSOE and Citizens refused to make the grand coalition," Rajoy said.
According to the acting president of the Spanish Government, "with this operation," what has been achieved is placed as second force to "an extremist and radical party" second force and "largar the PSOE to third with 20% of the vote." Just this Monday was the last day that polls could be published and all the newspapers published his. Everyone agrees predict the victory of PP with 30% of the vote. As a second force, the coalition between communists and populist United we Can is consolidated, and the Socialist Party falls to third place. Rajoy denied that there is a "clip" between the PP and Podemos to relegate the PSOE to the third place.
The Conservative candidate appealed to the concentration of "moderate" vote on the PP to curb United we Can. "I will ask Spain to concentrate moderate vote in the PP as extremists and Communists go together and as a result are second force," said Rajoy. "The grand coalition have it that make the Spaniards" the J-26 at the polls, he said. Regarding his electoral program, he stressed that its goals are to reach the 20 million Spaniards work creating two million jobs in the legislature, "maintain and preserve" the pillars of the welfare state, defend the unity of Spain and fight terrorism in Spain and abroad.
He insisted that lower taxes and refused to be "a gamble" say it now. He promised that will lower prices from the beginning of the legislature for contracts move from temporary to permanent -exemption the first 500 euros for four years- and said that's because lower taxes. Asked if he will make cuts to meet the objectives of Brussels, he said he does not see and that "can be reformed without cutting" with structural reforms.
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