
The trial of the case Noos is ready for judgment

Infanta Cristina is accused

USPA NEWS - The trial of the case Noos, which is accused sister of King Philip IV of Spain, the Infanta Cristina de Borbon, was seen for sentencing on Wednesday, after five months of hearing with great media interest. The sentence could take several weeks.
In the last session of the trial, which have been present the Infanta Cristina and her husband Inaki Urdangarin, main accused along with his partner Diego Torres, they presented their findings defense lawyers. The representative of the sister of King Philip VI again asked for the acquittal of his client, which he said has been the victim during "recent years" of "a mass of prejudices." And this, he added, without any offense in the performance of the Infanta, who "was limited to initial documents without asking for explanations." The lawyer said that was the first time a non-administrator of a corporation, a partner in this case the company Aizoon, which had a marginal importance in the life of the King's sister accused.
The defense of the Infanta was the last to take the floor. Earlier, the lawyer of former vice mayor of the city of Valencia, Alfonso Grau, defended the legality of the contracts signed with the Institute Noos, and defense attorney advisor Salvador Trinxet said that "neither a witness nor a document have him incriminated." Seventeen accused renounced use his final word, so the trial was seen for sentencing.
For five months, it have tried to clarify whether the contracts signed by the Noos Institute, a non-profit, with the governments of Valencia and the Balearic Islands, with the city of Valencia and other public administrations, were legal or screen behind which hide a large structure for illicit enrichment husband of the Infanta, Inaki Urdangarin, and his partner Diego Torres. For two of them, the prosecutor requests 19 and 18 years in prison, respectively, as heads of the network. Urdangarin and Torres are also accused of fraud to the Treasury.
Several former officials of the governments of Valencia and the Balearic Islands are accused of embezzlement of public funds. A single Infanta Cristina accuses the union Clean Hands, which calls for her to eight years in prison as necessary cooperator in the crimes committed by her husband. Neither the Treasury nor the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor accused of any crime. But the scandal processing of the Infanta and her husband caused a rift with King Philip VI, who tried to protect the Monarchy and the damage that this trial may cause.
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