
Rajoy: we claim the right to govern

Monday starts the PP contacts with other

(Source: RTVE)
USPA NEWS - The acting President of the Spanish Government and candidate of the Conservative Popular Party (PP), Mariano Rajoy, claimed his right to govern as the winner of the legislative elections held on Sunday in Spain.
"We won the elections and claim the right to govern," Rajoy said from the balcony of the Madrid headquarters of the Popular Party, before a cheering mass of militants and sympathizers. Spent eight minutes after midnight when the acting president of the Spanish Government appeared on the balcony accompanied by his wife and by the top leaders of the party, cheered by thousands of people, carrying flags of the PP and Spain, they were waiting to celebrate Conservative election victory.
"This is the most difficult speech of my life," Rajoy began his speech. "I just want to say two things. The first aimed at my party, the PP. I feel immensely proud of this party in the most difficult times had courage, desire and determination." He thanked his party and everyone who contributed to the Conservative victory, whom he said "have won the elections because you had faith in victory and because you have pursued."
"This game, in moments of difficulty, has been there and we have to be proud because we worked. It's been hard, difficult, but we have taken the battle for Spain in defense of Spanish interests," said Rajoy. "In this game we are Spanish, with pride. And defend the general interests of the Spanish," he said. "Now it is useful to 100% of the Spanish people," he said before announcing that "from tomorrow [on Monday] we will have to start talking to everyone and we will."
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