
Rajoy offered a pact to the Socialists but admits specific support

For the formation of Government

USPA NEWS - "We won the elections and claim the right to govern," the acting President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, said on Sunday night. Less than 24 hours later, the Socialist Party and the centrist Citizens denied their support for a new term.
It is not a final rejection because the Spanish political parties have 22 days left to negotiate. Everyone agrees that the momentum received by the conservative Popular Party legitimizes Mariano Rajoy to try to form a Government, but the morning after election night the leaders of the main parties refused to express support for the conservative candidate. After gathering his board, Rajoy insisted to reporters that seek an agreement for the legislature with the Socialist Party (PSOE), the option that would give his Government a sufficient majority to govern. "Spain," Rajoy said, "needs a stable Government," but warned that it is also willing to govern with specific support.
There are two possibilities that are offered to Rajoy. One, an agreement of government between the conservative Popular Party and the Socialist Party. Among both add 222 deputies, well above the 176 mark absolute majority. The other option is that the Socialist Party to abstain in the investiture session and Citizens, Basque nationalists and nationalists canaries vote in favor. In this way, he achieved 175 votes, just one of the absolute majority. However, neither the Socialists nor Citizens nor the Basque nationalists will put it easy.
The Socialist Party refused on Monday to support the investiture of Rajoy "either by active or passive," according to the Federal Executive the Socialist Secretary General, Pedro Sanchez. Later, his spokesman, Antonio Hernando, told reporters that the PSOE "will not vote nor will abstain." In any case, the decision on the socialist stance be taken by the Federal Committee shall meet within two Saturdays. In that body, some regional leaders advocate that the PSOE pass to opposition to be refounded.
Nor Citizens vote for Mariano Rajoy. He said the president of the centrist formation, Albert Rivera, who however did not say whether they would abstain in the vote of investiture. According to Rivera, Citizens is not "necessary" to Rajoy gets elected. "They can do the PSOE abstaining," said Rivera, who denied that Rajoy has vetoed but insisted that if the conservatives seek their support will have to implement policy measures regeneration in Spain.
And while the coalition between communists and left-wing populist United we Can feel loser, despite repeated results with respect to December 20, 2015. It weighs a million votes that have been lost in these elections. However, its leaders insisted Monday they do not know what could have happened to stagnate and lose seats in popular support. As a third political force, assume that their project for Spain must wait and stress that must be Rajoy who try to form a Government.
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