
The US First Lady presents in Spain the initiative Let Girls Learn

Accompanied by Queen Letizia

(Source: Spanish Royal House)
USPA NEWS - Queen of Spain joined Thursday the US First Lady, Michelle Obama, at the presentation in Spain of 'Let Girls Learn', an initiative to help the schooling of girls around the world who have no access to educational resources and encourage those that do have to seize every opportunity for training.
Queen Letizia accompanied First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, in the presentation at the Nave 16 of Matadero Madrid on the initiative of the Government of the United States 'Let Girls Learn', which aims to highlight the value of girls -a individual, community and institutional-, help get the education they are entitled to -62 million girls worldwide can not go to school- and encourage them to seize every opportunity training, so that they can make decisions in their life in the best conditions and increase their contribution and relevance in society.
It began by Letizia joining the words she had spoken before Mrs. Obama condemning the attack in Istanbul and sympathy and affection for the victims, as did the day before the King of Spain in Pamplona. The Queen continued his speech placing value on the work of the Spanish Cooperation, especially in Latin America, to strengthen the role of women in developing societies. "I think today, here, all we are clear that the education of girls transforms, protects, is productive, is inextricably linked to social justice and democracy, family welfare, to promote equality, better health and nutrition. I will not go therefore in many advantages, the virtuous circle that involves incorporating the talent, energy and intelligence of millions of girls."
Source: Spanish Royal House
Source: Spanish Royal House
Source: Spanish Royal House
Queen Letizia also stressed "the value of the technological tool, digital literacy as factor of current economic development of the first order. It is no longer so much about resources or infrastructure as changing attitudes and certain beliefs. And the ability to locate, organize, understand and analyze information through digital technology is today one of the most effective for millions of school girls have access to knowledge ways and therefore all opportunities." The Queen concluded his remarks by thanking the young attendees for their presence and especially Michelle Obama for "his inspiring words and the commitment to express something that is, it should be, for all, a priority need: education."
They attended the event nearly 600 young women between 15 and 22 years and the acting Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidency, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria; the Government delegate in Madrid, Concepción Dancausa; the mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena; Ambassador of the United States of America in Spain, James Costs; the president of Grupo Santander, Ana Patricia Botin, and the president of the Foundation for Women in Africa, Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, among others.
The event began with the conference of the First Lady, who offered their thoughts and experiences that have lived in countries where it has released 'Let Girls Learn' and encouraged young people to appreciate the educational opportunities have at its disposal to complete their training. The Queen of Spain ended the ceremony with his words. Subsequently, Queen Letizia and Mrs. Obama held a meeting at the La Zarzuela Palace.
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