
The Spanish Constitutional closes the door to a Catalan Finance

Overrides the Basic Law for independence

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Constitutional Court on Thursday overturned all state structures created by the regional Government of Catalonia, as the basis of its independence project. Known high court's ruling, the Catalan Government announced that it will continue to create the state structures for independence.
The ruling of the Constitutional was approved unanimously by the members of the plenary on Thursday. The court thus upheld the appeal by the Spanish Government against various precepts of the Law on Fiscal, Financial and Administrative Measures, adopted in 2015 by the regional Government of Catalonia as a basis for future independence. Specifically, the court annuls the provisions intended to create a Catalan Finance, and director of energy, telecommunications, and information rail transport plan.
Also nullifies the creation of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and the limitation for the establishment of large shopping centers in the Catalan public harbor. However, constitutional states, but need modifications, the provisions providing for the establishment of an inventory of the heritage of the Catalan Government and the creation of a Catalan Agency for Social Protection.
The Catalan Finance annulled by the Constitutional Court was "the instrument of strategic planning of a tax administration for an eventual assumption of new functions and taxing powers," according to the regional Government of Catalonia. The sentence considers this provision overstepping the powers of the Catalan Government to invade powers reserved exclusively to the Spanish Government. "An autonomous community can´t assume more powers on those already contained in the Statute into force, if not by regulatory changes that are outside the walls of their decision-making," says the judgment of the Constitutional.
As regards the director of energy, telecommunications, information and rail transportation plan, the high court considers that affects public safety competencies that are exclusive to the Spanish State. This is the same argument that motivates the annulment of the other provisions. And also motivates the proposed corrections to those articles of the Catalan law may be constitutional if modified. The judgment shall be communicated to the parties in the coming days.
However, nothing made public the decision, the regional Government of Catalonia reacted by announcing that despite the prohibition of the Constitutional Court, will continue to create the necessary infrastructures for the formation of the Catalan Republic, ultimate goal of the independence process. On the contrary, the Spanish Government declared its satisfaction with the ruling and announced that it will remain vigilant on the activities of the regional Government of Catalonia, ready to use any rule that threatens the unity of Spain.
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