


Nicolas Sarkozy Chairman Républicains (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi )
Les Republicains logo
(Source: Courtesy Les Républicains)
USPA NEWS - After Nice attack of Nice terrorist attack on 14 th of July that killed 84 people and many wounded, the French opposition, the right wing party called Les Republicans“ chaired by former president Nicolas Sarkozy. The party is indignant executive facing this latest tragedy, saying "All has not done"
Nice Mourning
Source: RSR/FB
After Nice attack of Nice terrorist attack on 14 th of July that killed 84 people and many wounded, the French opposition, right party called Les Republicans“ chaired by former president Nicolas Sarkozy. The party is indignant executive facing this latest tragedy, saying "All is not totally done" by the left in power and and publishes 10 proposal to the current government. THE 10 CONDITIONS OF THE OPPOSITION “LES REPUBLICANS" TO THE SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT ------------- Following the recent events which have devastated the city of Nice, our President Nicolas Sarkozy convened an extraordinary Politburo date. Here is the statement that the Political Bureau adopted unanimously with one abstention today: France has been hit in Nice for the seventh time since January 2015, by Islamist terrorism. Never in five decades, our country has experienced attacks of this magnitude. With its attendant atrocities and broken families, we are in a total war that will last with a threat that is increasing constantly. All the consequences of previous attacks have not been learned. This is a profound change of policy that Republicans are calling for. In this context, the Republicans will agree to vote the renewal of the state of emergency only if it protects our citizens. In this spirit, they make ten proposals:------------------------------------------------------ 1. Administrative searches must again be allowed entry with possibility of computing devices. The retention of the persons concerned should be imposed until the end of the procedure; 2. The prefects are able to ban any public demonstration that they would consider not have the necessary means to ensure safety; 3. The prefects should be able to allow identity checks, visits of vehicles and baggage searches. These operations must be carried out by customs, national police, gendarmes and municipal police of their jurisdiction; 4. The prefects, in the broader framework of Decree Law 1938, must be able to close any place of worship radicalized in absolute emergency; 5. The Republicans are renewing their demand for the creation of a living offense for any person in a site of external terrorist operations;
Nice Prayers
Source: RSR/FB
6. Any foreigner having connections, direct or indirect, to terrorist groups must be expelled in absolute emergency. 7. Any French national in the same situation should be placed in a closed or put under house arrest with an electronic bracelet center for a period to be extended to three months. This provision will be subject to a judicial post; 8. The Republicans are asking the Government's commitment to creating a number of radicalization centers to meet the needs; 9. Prisoners sentenced for acts of terrorism must not be eligible for improvements or reductions of automatic penalties; 10. The state of emergency is to be extended to a minimum of six months and beyond to accommodate the deadlines of 2017. The coordination of intelligence services should be enhanced by the creation of a single database, as proposed in the report of the commission of inquiry chaired by Georges Fenech.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, we expect the government to tell the truth about the chain of events that led to the Nice drama. The victims and their families require. All the French have the right to know. We demand the establishment of a parliamentary inquiry. Nothing should stay in the shade. We refuse fatality. This war, France can and must win.Ҭ Source : les Republicans

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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