
Trump and American Muslims

Donald Trump

Trump surprising
Aiham Alsammarae
USPA NEWS - Aiham Alsammarae
Trump is the Republican Presidential Candidate and will likely win the election to become the next President of the United States of America. Since his becoming the party candidate, Trump changed his rhetoric and positions on a number of issues.
Lately, he started acting as presidential like and
trying to address the Americans, of course not all inclusive. He and his team understand fully that to run the country he need to include at its citizens, ensure their security, safety, equality, freedom and justice. Trump has been wrestling with problem with many communities and Muslims is one of them; his views ever since the primary changed a lot toward Mexican, blacks and he needs to show the same to American Muslims. He needs to visit mosques and ISNA head Quarters, call for meeting in one of his headquarter for Muslim Leaders such as USCMO, ICNA, CAIR and MSA and others to listen to their views about him and work with them.
He needs to realize they are American first and their votes are equal any other vote. American Muslims, also need to understand that this is their country, this their home
and have to start acting like that, be part of the community, involve in every day activity and be part of political and media circle.
Physicians, engineers and businessmen are great professions but not enough,we should be part of art, act media, sports, social and civil activist and be part of American culture and civilization.
Americans are built on western values and we Muslims should be part of it and enrich it with our values - not isolate ourselves and teach our kids the values of the east while we live as part of the majority of western background. Muslims have to teach
their kids that we are American and should fight for great America and obey the law of land and defend American Christians or any other faith as we defend ourselves. Muslims need to work and help law agencies or other security organization and inform them of any suspicious activities that
endanger the society enlarge and help stop them from doing their criminal act.
Mr. Trump is a good man and I don't think he wants to hurt Muslims or any other communities. He is going to help us build new strong and great America and we need to support him. Strong America will put the world in order again
and Iraq will become strong - real democratic, balanced in political system, independent from Mullahs of Iran and part of Arab world again. Strong Iraq as before and without the religious militias and parties, but secular Iraq -this will make Middle East stable and balanced again.This will expedite the
solution of Syria war and others. AlQaida and ISIS will be diminished and destroyed from within and by the Muslims world. We need Trump to fix America and Middle East and the world. Vote for him and support him.
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