Search results for: "Iran"

11/09/2023, 23:07 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

The people of Iran are patiently waiting for freedom.

Breathing is prohibited in Iran

USPA NEWS - Let's talk again about a world without the Islamic Republic of Iran, a world without war, a world where days ca...

10/28/2023, 13:16 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

One major crime by the Islamic Republic of Iran

Armita Garavand

USPA NEWS - It has been 14 months since the name Mahsa Amini has been heard all over the world. However, the world remained...

10/24/2023, 14:11 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

A world without war is my dream

These days are so dark

USPA NEWS - Imagine, in the Earth, no one harbored hatred; imagine everyone came together to build a peaceful world. Ima...

10/15/2023, 23:34 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Khamenei is the God of Terrorist

Devil government rolling by Khamenei

USPA NEWS - How much should I say? How loudly should I shout? In this world, is there anyone who doesn't see the crimes o...

10/03/2023, 23:23 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Any one hear the voice of Iranian Teenagers

Armita Geravand

USPA NEWS - "Crime, murder by the Islamic Republic against its own youth and adolescents does not stop. I think you re...

09/24/2023, 15:58 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

In these dark days, everything is to the detriment of the people of Iran.

All kind of helping to Mullahs of Iran

USPA NEWS - "First, $6 billion of Iran's national funds and assets, which were previously blocked, were handed over before ...

09/17/2023, 13:37 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

16/09/2022/23 Historical Day for Iranian

Mahsa Amini

USPA NEWS - A year and a day ago on this Sad day, a very bitter piece of news shocked all nations. It was announced that a ...

09/13/2023, 21:16 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Hello to freedom seekers, hello to the people who are ready for freedom.

Iran 16/09/2023

USPA NEWS - This is an article based on my own personal research with many honorable and freedom-seeking people of Iran. Th...

09/04/2023, 00:49 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Iranian People Counting the Days

Mahsa Amini Anniversary is Near

USPA NEWS - In the land where dreams take flight, We yearn for freedom's guiding light. In Iran's heart, our voices rise,...

08/28/2023, 22:09 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Why Immigrant , Stay and take back!

Mehdi Yarrahi

USPA NEWS - This is The Lyrics of Mehdi Yarrahi Famous song In Protest of Mahsa Amini , In Iran and now because of his othe...

08/18/2023, 15:46 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Lets Talk About Freedom In Iran

Regime Change in Iran

USPA NEWS - Only 29 days left until the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's murder. Every day, the people of Iran are more enthus...

08/09/2023, 16:14 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

Official government crime in Iran.

The disappearance of a satirical critic

USPA NEWS - Every day, the crimes of the Khamenei regime in Iran, and Ali Khamenei, increase. It becomes more sorrowful...

08/07/2023, 03:04 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

The Islamic Republic only executes protesters.

Violation of the law in Iran.

USPA NEWS - "The Islamic Republic of Iran creates laws, makes decisions, enforces them, disregards justice, is very hypocri...

08/01/2023, 23:58 Time
Saman Hajibabaei

A land in darkness

Iran has everything except good rulers

USPA NEWS - Iran is a great name, but the Islamic Republic is so unworthy that the people of Iran no longer want the words ...




Daren Frankish




Yasmina BEDDOU


Aurangzeb Akbar
